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'Thank You: Coronavirus helpers' | Google rolls out new doodle in tribute to front line workers

To show its support and appreciation, Google created a new doodle series to recognize and honor many of those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have seen our nation come together, now more than ever, to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Neighbors helping neighbors, children helping elders -- everyone has extended a helping hand to make sure those dearest to them stay safe during this pandemic.

But the biggest heroes, without a shadow of a doubt, have been those on the front line of this pandemic. 

Front line workers include doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, grocery store workers, restaurant workers -- all of those who are risking their own lives to make sure the people in their communities are taken care of.

To show its support and appreciation, Google created a new doodle series to recognize and honor many of those on the front lines.  

"Today, we’d like to say: To all coronavirus helpers, thank you," Google wrote. 

The doodle is so well-loved that people from Canada, Brazil and even Egypt have made the doodle their main image on their Google homepage.

To see the doodle, click here


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