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A Canadian Thanksgiving warning for Americans | Connect the Dots

Our neighbors to the north have already celebrated and could serve as a cautionary tale.

Our friends in Canada may have an important warning for Americans when it comes to coronavirus — don't let down your guard at Thanksgiving! 

Let's connect the dots.

For those who don’t know, Canada has its own Thanksgiving holiday. 

Now why they celebrate a holiday traditionally tied to pilgrims and native Americans is a story for another day, but their Thanksgiving falls before the American one. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October.

And since then, the country has seen a surge in coronavirus cases.

Limit guest to household

Officials in Canada had given the same advice for Thanksgiving gatherings that American officials have: keep the celebration to people already in your household. If you must invite other people, do it virtually. 

It’s not clear how many Canadians followed that advice and now health officials and elected leaders north of the border are blaming Thanksgiving for an influx in cases.

Prime factors in COVID-19 spread

According to the Washington Post, infectious disease specialists have several reasons to be concerned about the holiday. 

It’s traditionally one of the busy travel weekends of the year as students often return from college, and it is centered around a large indoor gathering. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci is already warning Americans to brace for new cases linked to the holiday.


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