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Resolutions proposed by Harris County GOP chair Carla Richburg prompt calls for her removal

"It's polarization at its most extreme," KHOU 11 political analyst Bob Stein said.

HOUSTON — There are growing calls for the removal of a Harris County GOP precinct chair who is proposing some controversial resolutions.

"It's polarization at its most extreme," KHOU 11 political analyst Bob Stein said.

On Twitter, Texas Democrats shared eight eye-opening resolutions from Carla Richburg, the Harris County GOP Precinct 602 Chair. The resolutions took aim at several hot-button issues. Among them: transgender identity, same-sex marriage and declaring Chinese nationals as spies then deporting them all from the United States.

"A Republican Precinct Chairman who feels comfortable writing this tells you how comfortable, how sincere, and how intense their preferences are," Stein said. "What it says about the Harris County GOP is the same thing it says about the Republican party in this county. They are at war with themselves."

The Harris County Republican Party Advisory Board responded writing in part:

"We unanimously condemn the tone and content of this resolution as being offensive to the values of the Republican Party and promoting certain governmental actions that would be unquestionably unconstitutional."

"They don't want to be embarrassed and they've said as much," Stein said.

The Texas Democratic Party is calling for the immediate resignation of Richburg and said there is no place for Richburg's bigotry in state politics.

Stein said he's never seen proposals worded in such a way.

"The language here is really extraordinary," Stein said. "The advisory board said, 'No. Not going on the ballot.'"

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