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Your holiday etiquette questions answered

There are some do’s and don’ts on how to have a fun, stress-free time surrounded by those you care about the most.

HOUSTON, Texas — Holiday celebrations are underway, and that means families are spending time together.

However, in the midst of a pandemic, tensions can run high at times.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to behave and have some grace around loved ones.

“This holiday season is all about relationships, love, giving, family,” Valerie Sokolosky, an etiquette expert, said.

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She said there are some do’s and don’ts on how to have a fun, stress-free, time surrounded by those you care about the most.

Sokolosky said the host makes the rules and offers expectations.

If being vaccinated is a priority, she recommends the host pick up the phone to ask.

“You simply say, ‘You know, we are still concerned about the vaccination issue. What’s your status?' and leave it open-ended,” Sokolosky said.

She said a big no-no is to start up topics of conversation that can get people heated.

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Sokolosky said it’s OK for the host to set some ground rules ahead of time.

“No politics, no covid, no masks," She said. "We’re going to have fun, and it’s all going to be uplifting conversations, everyone alright with that?’”

Also, she said if you’re a guest and don’t know what to do or how to behave,  be observant and follow suit.

“If you’re in doubt, and you don’t know whether it’s the fork to pick up or a behavior, do what’s expected and respected, and you’ll be doing it right,” Sokolosky said.  

David González on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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