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Family raising money to send body of food truck owner shot, killed near Hobby Airport back to Mexico

Roberto Almaguer, 29, was shot and killed defending his food truck from an armed robber. He leaves behind a wife and three kids all under the age of 4.

HOUSTON — Friends and family hosted a fundraiser Friday for a food truck owner who was shot and killed a week ago.

The goal of the fundraiser was to raise enough money to send his body back to Mexico. 

His name was Roberto Almaguer, 29. 

On Oct. 13, he and three of his coworkers were closing up for the night when a suspect attempted to rob them at gunpoint along the Gulf Freeway and Monroe Road. Police said "a scuffle ensued" and spilled over into the food truck's parking lot where Almaguer was shot multiple times defending his business.  

“Tenía 29-anos mi amigo algo muy muy difícil,” said Gerardo Urtado.

Urtado said it's been very difficult to lose his friend. They both came to the U.S. from Monterrey 10 years ago with an American dream, but sadly, that dream was ripped away when Almaguer was killed. 

“Lo asesinaron de una manera horrible,” said Urtado.

Urtado said his friend was horribly murdered. 

“Buscamos justicia no se vale que la haiga arrebatado a nuestra amigo de esa manera,” said Urtado. “El era una persona de muchos sueños trabajadora siempre quería salir adelante sonaba con comprar su trilita de tacos y lo logro."

He wants justice for his friend who he said was a hardworking person with many dreams and just wanted to get ahead in life. 

Friends said Almaguer had hoped to make enough money so he and his family could move back to live well in Monterrey. He had almost reached that goal. He was going back in December. Now his family will have to take his body home to bury him.

Almaguer leaves behind a wife and three kids, all under the age of 4.

The family has set up a GoFundMe account to help with burial expenses. 

The suspect in this case has yet to be caught. 

Anayeli Ruiz on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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