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Here's how the Houston area is helping those affected by deadly tornadoes in Kentucky, other states

Both the United Cajun Navy and Houston's CrowdSource Rescue are assisting in the aftermath.

Help is on the way after multiple tornadoes destroyed several towns across the Midwest and South

The devastation can only be described as indescribable, and relief groups in the Houston area are rushing to areas most gravely impacted to communities in need. 

“It’s just heartbreak," says United Cajun Navy spokesperson Brian Trascher.

The United Cajun Navy was part of the relief effort during Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Ida.

Trascher says helping in this effort was never a question.

“It’s never a question. And there’s always some kind of familial relationship no matter what happens or where it happens. I noticed that the four or six states or so that were affected by these tornadoes – after Hurricane Ida just a few months ago – we received donations from every single one of those states," Trascher says.

RELATED: 'Total devastation' | Drone video shows Bowling Green, Kentucky tornado damage

Getting supplies to the devastated communities, he says, is critical right now.

“There’s a gap from the weather event to when the cavalry really shows up and that’s the hole we try to fill getting people emergency supplies like tarps, water, clothing hygiene supplies is very important.”

And acting immediately is essential to the search and rescue effort. 

CrowdSource Rescue is Houston-based and was founded during Harvey. Co-Founder Matthew Marchetti says first responders can be overwhelmed after such catastrophic damage.

“Particularly in these major storms no one, single agency is going to be able to handle it all on their own. And on the other hand, you have lots of qualified volunteers who are able to help," Marchetti says.

RELATED: Gov. Abbott deploys recovery task force to Kentucky to aid in deadly tornado aftermath

CrowdSource has already mobilized volunteers to assist in search and rescue efforts and is doing wellness checks.

Meanwhile, the United Cajun Navy has deployed members of their team from Texas and expects to have supply trucks en route by Sunday. 

For information on how you can donate to the relief efforts, click here.

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