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Last act of kindness: Tow truck driver dies helping others

Glenn Sanco died Dec. 27, 2018, moments after he tackled a fleeing suspect who was running away from DPS troopers.

ROSHARON, Texas - A Good Samaritan in Rosharon died shortly after helping state troopers tackle a fleeing suspect.

Glenn Sanco, 31, was a tow truck driver and former Arcola city councilman and remembered for his acts of kindness around the community.

“He was the perfect example of what a man should be,” Roger Williams said about his brother-in-law. “He was a caring and loving husband, and he was an attentive father, and he also was a man, most importantly, that was not afraid to tell somebody about who God was and what God meant to him.”

Sanco died Dec. 27, 2018, moments after he tackled a fleeing suspect who was running away from DPS troopers. Family says doctors think he had a heart attack, although his autopsy results are still pending.

“Most people take out their phones and record, but he jumped into action," Williams said.

However, the family doesn’t want the world to focus on how he died, but how he lived.

“The world that deserves to know that angels exist and are not only in heaven. That we look at them every day and that we take them for granted," WIlliams said.

At 6-foot-10, Sanco is remembered as a gentle giant, always pulling over to help stranded drivers, often free of charge.

“I see people and I say, ‘Oh God help them. God bless them,’ and I keep driving. But he would stop and help them," Williams said.

In fact, Sanco helped another trooper the day he died, too. A call had come in over his radio that teens were being unruly during a traffic stop. Sanco was nearby, so he stopped, too.

“Not only did they de-escalate the situation, but they ended up ministering and talking the two young men," Williams said.

DPS told KHOU 11 news Sanco was a Good Samaritan who went above and beyond to help. Several troopers plan to attend his funeral on Saturday.

Sanco’s family says going above and beyond was just the kind of person that he was and wanted everyone else to be, too.

“If I could tell you one thing...to remember about Glenn, is remember to think about ourselves less and others more. Because no greater love has a man that he would lay down his life for another. That’s how I want Glenn to be remembered," Williams said.

Glenn Sanco leaves behind his wife and two young children. At just 31 years old, the family wasn’t prepared for his death. If you’d like to help ease some of the financial burden of a funeral cost and other expenses, tap/click here.

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