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Diet companies cashing in big on pandemic weight gain

Americans gained an average of one-half of a pound every 10 days while in quarantine, according to one study.

Some companies are scoring big as we see an end to the coronavirus pandemic on the horizon. Those big winners include diet companies. 

Let’s connect the dots.

Quarantine weight gain issues

During the COVID-19 quarantine, some of us used the time to hop on pelotons or dust off that home gym equipment. Meanwhile, the rest of us turned to comfort food and an extra bottle of wine.

A small study found that people who were sheltering in place gained more than half a pound every 10 days. Now all of those sweats-wearing Netflix watchers are realizing it is time to put on real pants again. And when that doesn’t go well, they are turning to diet plans.

Weight loss companies surge

Noom, which does customized health plans start at $59 a month, Weight Watchers and other diet programs are seeing a bib boom in business. 

Companies that do meal replacement plans are seeing a shortage of their most popular foods, meaning out of stock snacks are going for big bucks on eBay.

Quick fix vs. long term change

But experts warn most of these diets can be beneficial in the short term. If you want to keep your pandemic pounds off for the long term, you have to make realistic changes to your diet and lifestyle. 

You'll have to retrain how you think about food and hunger, which is a longer commitment than quick fix diets. Making the battle of the bulge more of a 100 Years War.

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