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Give up sex? Quit pot? What would you do to get out of student debt?

What crazy thing would you be willing to do get out of paying back your student loan?

What crazy thing would you be willing to do get out of paying back your student loan?

Star in a porn film? Vote for Donald Trump? Vote for Hillary Clinton? How about giving up marijuana for life? Would you be willing to talk to a Comcast sales rep for an hour every day for the next five years?

Those were some of the tongue-in-cheek questions posed by Student Loan Report in an online survey of 500 college graduates with student loan debt.

“The questions are a little graphic and slightly disturbing,” the online magazine warned in an article titled, "18 Insane Things Graduates Would Do to Get Rid of Their Student Loan Debt."

“That said, the responses paint a very clear picture. The majority of student loan borrowers are feeling the pinch and aren’t afraid to get a little weird.”

Student Loan Report said it was using humor “to bring awareness to the $1.2-trillion student loan problem in the United States.”

Here are some of our favorite questions and the responses:

  • 56.20% of borrowers would vote for Hillary Clinton, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.
  • 57.60% of borrowers would vote for Donald Trump, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.
  • 58.40% of borrowers would wear Crocs for the next 10 years, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.
  • 30.60% of borrowers would give up sex for the next 10 years, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.
  • 83.80% of borrowers would STOP watching "Game of Thrones," if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.
  • 62.20% of borrowers would star in a short porn video, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.

Our absolute favorite though?

  • 57.80% of borrowers would have a one-hour conversation with a Comcast customer service representative every day for the next 5 years, if it meant that they would have no more student loan debt.

"Sadly, the Department of Education doesn’t plan on making any of these option available anytime soon," the magazine said. "Though, we suggest calling Sallie Mae to see if any of these student loan forgiveness options might be available."

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