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Thieves caught on camera breaking into high-end Houston eyewear stores three times in one week

Nicholas Protz is frustrated after thieves broke into both of his eyewear stores. On Saturday, one of the stores in the Galleria area was hit again.

HOUSTON — For the third time in less than a week, thieves targeted Houston business, Eye Elegance.

On Friday, KHOU 11 News spoke with owner Nicholas Protz after not one, but two, of his stores were broken into this week. On Saturday, Protz's store in the Galleria area was hit again, leaving him to board up another broken window.

“You just gotta do what you gotta do to get everything cleaned up and boarded up so you can open up for business and continue to service those good clients that we have,” Protz said.

The most recent break-in happened Saturday morning just before 6:30 a.m.

“Another day, another break-in,” said Protz.

Surveillance video shows the first incident happened Wednesday morning at around 4:45 a.m. In the video, two people are seen smashing the window and walking inside the store on Post Oak Boulevard.

Protz said the thieves got away with Cartier cases, but no eyewear inside of them.

On Thursday, Eye Elegance was broken into again. 

This time, it was the Montrose location and it happened around 2:30 a.m. That break-in was also caught on camera and Protz said they left with nothing.

But that wasn’t the case Saturday morning.

“I'm still in the process of doing all the inventory, but I think they probably got away with 90% of my Cartier inventory, along with, a large portion of some other brands that we carry as well,” Protz said. “It could be well into the six figures.”

Surveillance video once again captured the break-in and this time, there were three people instead of two.

Broke another window and another huge mess and this time made their way to finally get what they have been coming for the last three nights,” Protz said.

Protz said the thieves seemed to be more prepared this time.

“Everything was locked up, in our safe room. but they came with extra tools this time and forced their way through three locked doors to get everything,” Protz said.

Protz has a hunch that it’s the same people breaking in each time.

“They definitely came with pry bars looking to pry open doors this time,” said Protz. “They went for the one area they didn't check last time.”

While it’s frustrating to be dealing with this again, Protz is trying to remain positive and move forward as best he can.

“Just make it harder for them to do next time, try to minimize any loss in the future. just with anything. It's a learning experience every time it happens,” he said.

Protz told KHOU 11 News after the first story aired, several Houston business owners reached out to him saying they too are dealing with the same problem.

Julissa Garza on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram

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