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Original 'Ghostbuster' Dan Aykroyd gives reboot rave review





















You don't have to be afraid of no reboot, if you ask Dan Aykroyd.

An executive producer of the new flick, who also makes a cameo and wrote and starred in the 1984 original, Aykroyd took to Facebook Sunday to tell fans why they should purchase tickets when the film comes out on July 15.

Aykroyd cites the cast, which includes Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Chris Hemsworth. Bill Murray, who previously played Dr. Peter Venkman, also appears in the film — because with a remake, who ya gonna call but a few original players?

As a man-fan, Aykroyd gave the new Ghostbusters two thumbs up. So take that, sexist haterz.


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