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Growth of Daisetta sinkhole appears to be slowing; chemicals moved from site

The sinkhole, which had been dormant since 2008, began growing again this month.

HOUSTON — We have new information about that massive sinkhole in Liberty County that recently began growing again. Officials say the growth appears to be slowing down.

Residents who live in Daisetta, which is where the sinkhole is, started noticing the growth on April 2 and reported it to authorities.

Editor's note: Video above is from April 7 reporting of the sinkhole

Now, as reported by the Bluebonnet News and confirmed by the Liberty County Office of Emergency Management, storage tanks with chemicals near the sinkhole have been removed and GPS monitoring spikes put in.

They also confirmed that officials have shifted from an emergency response to one of monitoring and measuring.

The sinkhole first opened up in 2008 but had been dormant until this month.

When it originally opened up, it was around 900 feet wide and 250 feet deep.

The sinkhole formed on what was the DeLoach Oil and Gas Waste Well, just a few blocks down the road from Hull-Daisetta High School. In 2008, it made national headlines after it swallowed buildings, vehicles and trees.

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